
Going On A Mission






[T-shirt - Mission Trip Shirt, Skirt - Zara, Belt - F21, Wedges - Target]

These pictures are actually from Sunday when our youth group was commissioned for our mission trip. I'll be leaving bright and early tomorrow at 8 am. I will have some time to access the internet, so I may be able to make a post or two, but that's not for sure. You can, however, follow our journey on our 2010 Mission Trip blog,NCCteenwerx. We'll be spending our week in Crown Point, New Mexico, a city right here in the U.S. that's more like a third world country. I didn't even know such places existed!

We had to wear our mission shirts to church that day, and I tried my best to style it up in a cute way, rather than throwing it on with a pair of jeans. I think I succeeded. Anyway, I'll be gone for the next week or so. I hope you all have a lovely week! See you soon!


Free At Last




So, despite the fact that I finished high school in January, I walked the stage with my class on Tuesday night. I have to say now that I am really happy I chose to do it. It made it feel real. Even though I've been done with school for months, it's just felt like long a break, but walking the stage makes it seem official, I really did it. And it was great to get to have the experience with my friends. Plus, it was an excuse for mom to buy me a dress, so why not? Hehe. All my family came in town to watch and I felt so proud of myself and accomplished. Overall, it was an awesome experience and a pretty great night.

I failed to take any pictures in my cap and gown..oops. But we did take some pictures before, of my best friend and I, and pictures with my mom, aunt, and my dad's parents. Many of my friends took pictures of all of us fully clad in cap and gown backstage, but I don't have those yet. I do promise to post them when I can get ahold of them. I am mainly posting these to show you all my dress, which I am obsessed with. Now that graduation is over, I'm going to try to make it into a more casual outfit and wear it for work or something. It's gorgeous! And I've had to save it, hidden away in my mom's closet for over a month so you can be prepared for over load of this dress to make up for all the time it's been kept away.


I Would Like To Apologize






[Shorts & Belt - Vintage, Tank - Gap, Headband - Forever 21]

Aghhh! Terribly sorry for my continued absence from blogging, even though I said I was back. My life has just been so insanely busy lately that I've been using my busy schedule as an excuse for not blogging. But, my life is going to continue to be busy for as far out as I can see, so I'll never blog if I keep this mentality. And I truly miss my little blog, so no more excuses. I can't promise to post as often as I did before, but I do promise to do my best to keep up with it. In fact, tomorrow is graduation and I've got tons of family coming in town for a little dinner/celebration tonight, then graduation tomorrow. So expect a big post with details of these events Wednesday or Thursday. And then I've got another little surprise coming on Friday about a trip I'm leaving for on Saturday. So stay tuned, my friends, Kaitlin is back with lots of visual goodies!


Tabula Rasa

i have decided that this year will be a good year Pictures, Images and Photos

Hello there! It's still me, the same old Kaitlin, I've just got a brand new blog. I wasn't happy with If You See Her, Say Hello after awhile and I just couldn't think of anything to do except to start from scratch with a whole new blog. Sometimes we just need a do-over, right? If only everything were this easy to start over. So now you can visit me here and I promise to do better this time, like actually keeping up with my blog and really caring about it. I missed blogging in the transition from the old blog to this one and I'm glad to be back with a brand new blog, a clean slate. I hope you understand, and I hope you'll continue to visit me here!

img via photobucket